ADIP Scheme

Ministry of SJ & E in the Deptt. of disability Affairs has modified ‘Scheme assistance to Disabled Persons for purchase /fitting of Aids/Appliances(ADIP)’ with effect from 01.04.2014 with a view to assist the needy PwDs in procuring durable, sophisticated, modern, standard and more user-friend aids and appliances as well as to reduce effects of disability and to enhance their economic potential.

The excerpts of ADIP Scheme is stated below:

Eligibility of the beneficiaries:

  • An Indian Citizen with disability of 40% and above.
  • Monthly  income from all sources not exceeding Rs.20,000/- pm.
  • In case of dependents income of Parents / Guardians not exceeding Rs. 20,000/- pm.
  • Other conditions remain unchanged.

Quantum of assistance to disabled

  1. For aids and appliance costing up to Rs.10,000/-
  2. Aids and appliances which do not cost more than Rs.10, 000/- are covered under single disability. In case of student  with disability the limit will be raised to Rs. 12,000/- Further, information multiple disabilities the limit will apply to individual items separately if more than one aids / appliance is required.
  3. Cochlear implant with a ceiling of RS. 6.00 lakh per unit may be borne by the Govt provided the same is recognized by an Institute of National stature operation is undertaken by a Govt recognized institute.
  4. Traveling cost would be admissible separately to the PwD and one escort limited to bus fare or railways, subject to a limit of Rs. 250/- each person, irrespective of number of visits to the center. The beneficiary should attend the Rehabilitation Govt Provided the same is recommended by an Institute of National stature operation Center nearest to his / her travel cost of traveling outside the Region till such facilities becomes available within the North Eastern Region.
  5.  Further, boarding and lodging expenses at the rate of Rs. 100/-per day for maximum during of 15 days would be admissible, only for those patients whose total income is upto Rs. 15,000/- per month and the same will be allowed to attendant /escort.

The Scheme also include essential medical / surgical correction and intervention, prior to fitment of aids appliances, as per the following norms:

  1. From Rs. 500/- to Rs. 1,000/- for hearing & speech impaired
  2. From Rs. 1,000/- Rs. 2,000/- for visually disabled.
  3. From Rs 3000/- to Rs. 5,000/- for orthopedically disabled.

The following aids and appliances may be allowed for each type of disability. However, any other item as notified from time to limit by the Ministry of school justice an Empowerment for the purpose will also be allowed.



  1. All prosthetic and orthotic devices, mobility aids, surgical foots wears, MCR chapels, all type of devices for ADL (activity of daily living) as recommended by expert committee from time to time.
  2. Motorized tricycles and wheelchairs for severely disabled and for Quadriplegic (SCI), Muscular dystrophy, Stroke, Cerebral Palsy, Hemiplegia and any other person with similar conditions, where either three / four limbs or one half of the body are severely impaired. Extent of subsidy would be Rs. 25,000/-. This will be provided to the persons of age of 18 years and above, once in ten years.


  1. Accessible Mobile Phone to visually impaired students of the age 18 years and above only, once in five years and to provides Laptop, Braille Note Taker and Brallier to school going disable students (10th and above ), once in 10 years.
  2. Learning equipments.
  3. Braille writing equipments.
  4. Communication equipments, Braille attachment for telephone for deaf-blind persons.
  5. Low vision aids.
  6. Special mobility aids for visually disabled people with muscular dystrophy or cerebral plays like adapted walkers as recommended by expert committee from time to time.


  1. Various types of hearing aids, including BTE etc.
  2. Educational kits.
  3. Assistive Alarm devices.

Any suitable device as advice / kit / learning materials as advised by expert committee from time to time.


Any suitable device as advised by expert committee from time to time.


Red Cross, Siliguri, as the Implementing Agency of ADIP Scheme.

One of the major thrust areas of Red Cross Society, Siliguri, is the service to the Persons with Disability (PWD) in the Sub Division of Siliguri and the 12 Blocks of Darjeeling District. For the last 20 years it had been working as the Implementing Agency of the ADIP Scheme under the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India. Funded by the said Ministry, Red Cross, Sliguri, provides aids and appliances and the Artificial limbs to the Persons with Disability in the Siliguri Municipal areas and 12 Block areas of Darjeeling District. The artificial limbs under the scheme are manufactured in our workshop and distributed to the needy PWDs. The number of beneficiaries covered under the scheme for the year 2012-2013 is 343.

List Of Covered Beneficiaries