About Us

Red Cross Signifies A Global Movement - The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is active in almost every country comprising around 100 millions members and volunteers. It is guided by the SEVEN FUNDAMENTAL PRINICIPLES ……  Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary Services, Unity, Universality.

Principal of Indian Red Cross Society Indian Red Cross Society, Siliguri Sub-Divisional Branch is  one of seven hundred branches of the Society spread across, came into being in the year 1958 when Siliguri was a tiny, somnolent transit point on the way to Darjeeling. Led by Dr. Sudhir Ghosh the first Secretary of this Branch and helped by some benevolent persons. The Red Cross made a humble beginning providing assistance to the poor and the victims of natural disaster. As the town has expanded and grown into a busy, populated Municipal Corporation over the last five decades, the activities of the Indian Red Cross Society, Siliguri Sub Divisional Branch has also multiplied  its activities through its different wings. The Siliguri Sub Divisional Branch has its own building with a workshop and a meeting hall on its own land which is located in the posh area of the city.

Indian Red Cross Society, Siliguri, Sub Divisional Branch acts under the guidance of the West Bengal State Body which is presided over by the Honorable ble Governor of West Bengal and in the District level, by the District Committee which is presided over by the District Magistrate. The SDO, Siliguri acts as an ex-officio Chairman of the Branch.